Dec 26, 2010

Audiovox has an overhead monitor with integrated PS2, VOD10PS2

Relatively little known in France, the Audiovox brand has always been the original products in multimedia board (double overhead monitor screen, for example). With VOD10PS2, Audiovox is even stronger, since this system allows video games!

The VOD10PS2 is a 10-inch overhead monitor, integrating a Sony PS2 game console in his basement. So in addition to DVD playback, video games are available, without embarking on an installation with bulky power converter. The dome screen is still slightly larger than conventional models, it can be more at home in a minivan or an SUV. In addition, the VOD10PS2 has an audio / video input for connecting a digital tuner in order to have a complete video system. The screen comes with two wireless game pad, two wireless headphones to avoid disturbing the driver and an IR remote. Audiovox even provides video games with the kit. This is a very nice screen overhead, which should make the children happy!

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