Jun 3, 2011

Parrot announces partnership with Audi for solutions

Parrot, a company active in the design of wireless devices for mobile phones, today announced that its connectivity solutions will become part of the platform, "High MIB", designed to Audi vehicles.

In this agreement, Parrot contributes to the top of the range multimedia solution developed by solutions GmbH, a joint venture between the automaker Audi and accessories manufacturer Elektrobit ( www.esolutions.de ), making some features of the platform Parrot FC6050 ( "Full Connectivity ').

Parrot FC6050 provides Internet access using either a 3G + modem built-in self is a Bluetooth phone as a modem.

Access to the Internet can be made available via WiFi in the vehicle, allowing passengers to navigate using laptops or tablet.

The WiFi connection allows even those who are driving to access multimedia content from a cell phone or a computer (movies, music, photos, etc.).

Parrot FC6050 offers other innovative solutions such as managing multisource voice-controlled music files, synchronization of e-mail and calendars, and a new generation of signal processing algorithms. Parrot FC6050 also allows you to expand Internet access through USB dongle modem (3G) mobile phones or via USB or WiFi connections.

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