Jul 5, 2011

Navirad GPS Limitor 10, A new speed limiter

While discussions have not been validated for the warning radars, Navirad released a new device to help the driver stay within the speed limit: GPS Limitor 10.

For now, this has not yet been banned and under negotiation, the GPS 10 Limitor warns motorists of the presence of speed cameras. The updates can be done through the USB port of the device. The GPS 10 also tells you Limitor danger zones and accident-prone areas. He knows all the speed limits of roads, and can warn you if you exceed orally limits. It can also be programmed the same speed not to exceed (eg 110 highway in the rain). In order not to be constantly alert, she may also set a tolerance range of speed (eg + / - 5 km / h. In brief, a handy product to keep the nails and avoid losing valuable points on her pink cardboard. Limitor The GPS 10 is sold 79.90 Euros.

Blogger Labels: Navirad,Limitor,discussions,negotiation,port,danger,accident,roads,highway,tolerance,product,Euros,areas

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