Jul 28, 2012

Hifonics A3 Amplifier

In a hi-fi, the rear channels are not essential. We just need good front channels and a subwoofer channel. To power all this easily, Hifonics released a new 3-channel hybrid amp: Atlas A3.

In the same block in brushed aluminum design incorporating the brand, the Hifonics Atlas A3 has a 2-channel amplifier with Class A / B for Front and Class D mono amp for the subwoofer channel. Part Class A / B develops 2X75 Watts RMS into 4 ohms or 2x125 Watts RMS into 2 Ohms. For functionality, a high-pass active filter is present. The block Class D is stable under 4, 2 and 1 ohm. RMS power, in that order, he developed 1x250, 1x450 or 1x650 watts. For setting the subwoofer channel, Class D block has an active filter and an adjustable subsonic filter, a correction of a severe and remote control of sound level. The Atlas A3 is sold 399 euros.

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