May 31, 2011

New kits from StreetWires connectors

StreetWires is a very famous American brand specializing in connectors. Part of the group Mitek (MTX Motherhouse), this brand offers high quality new wiring kits to properly install the amplifier!

Without a good power supply, amplifier and malnourished will not provide the expected power. Even fight for the RCA cable connecting it to the car, if not quality, we will lose in sound quality. To make the choice of wiring and installation of a receiver easier, new markets StreetWires wiring kits. There are 6, 10, 21, 35 and 50 mm ². We present the kit ZNX10K to be very well to power a small amp or an amp 2 channel digital broadband. This kit includes StreetWires: 5 meters of power cable 10 mm ² (100% copper and UltraFlow technology for good flexibility), 0.7 meter cable mass 10 mm ² (same as cable), an RCA cable 5m high quality cable remote than 5 meters 100% copper, a fuse holder with fuse AFS, lugs and clamps. Presented in a very nice packaging, this kit is priced at StreetWires gun 30 Euros!

1 comment:

  1. The best interconnect for clarity, dynamics, harmonic structure and tonality while maximizing sound stage, depth, and imaging from your mobile audio system!

