Sep 24, 2011

Nissan accelerates the spread of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

Nissan has partnered with leading energy suppliers and the companies that manufacture devices for electric vehicles in order to accelerate the development of rapid charge more compact and affordable and increase the public dissemination of columns for fast charging across Europe. The agreement includes Nissan, Circutor, DBT, EFACEC, Endesa and Siemens will significantly reduce the unit price of the columns - will cost less than € 10,000, or less than half of those currently on the market - facilitating the distribution to service stations , parking spots and shops that will install and manage the business as another business. The owners of Nissan LEAF and other vehicles equipped for fast charging, can use their own vehicles to travel longer distances and charge up to ' 80% of the battery in less than half an hour.

Consequently, it is expected that by the end of 2012 there will be thousands of charging points across Europe quickly and by 2015 it will reach several tens of thousands. This technology will allow potential buyers who occasionally need to make longer trips, to enjoy all the comforts of Nissan LEAF.

With fast charging you can restore the battery life at a time than is necessary just to fill a conventional internal combustion vehicle: Nissan LEAF owners may leave their car charger during charging and use the short time to make a phone call or a snack.

The system delivers fast charging Cha de Mo 50KW directly to the battery of high voltage direct current, thereby speeding up the charging process.

Nissan LEAF has an average range of over 175 km with a full charge - according to the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), the criterion for European approval. The development of fast-charging systems will translate into greater freedom to guide the owners of Nissan LEAF.

"We are confident that the autonomy of Nissan LEAF is more than sufficient to meet the daily needs of most users. However, with the installation of a significant number of fast-charging stations across Europe, owners of electric vehicles that need to cover greater distances will be assured of being able to recharge their cars without any problems wherever they go, essential prerequisites for mass distribution of electric vehicles, " said Chief Operating Officer Toshiyuki Shiga, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and President of CHAdeMo.

"Until now, electric vehicles have attracted public attention to the fact that they produce zero exhaust emissions while running. But there's more: a historic moment in which the energy produced from renewable sources (solar, wind, etc.) has increased significantly, electric vehicles are destined to become a key element to absorb the changes in production and the dispersion of the energy generated from renewable sources ", said Chief Operating Officer Toshiyuki Shiga, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and President of CHAdeMo.

The challenge of building systems with charge size and lower costs will once again be won by combining innovative technology, QC (Quick Charger) Nissan - available on new systems, fast charging high-voltage direct current - the strong know-how of our European partners.

Conformity with the policies as other European countries, these systems are also fast recharge AC, already eligible, therefore, for charging cars prepared for the rapid charge alternating current.

Deliveries from Nissan LEAF has already begun in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Republic Of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal. The orders were opened in other countries: Switzerland, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and customers will receive their cars soon.